Programmers' Picks: Angelo Acerbi

SIFF Programmer Angelo Acerbi shares some of his highlights from the 2024 Seattle International Film Festival.

 Angelo Acerbi


Miracles happen and this film is one! First-time director Margherita Vicario brings her poetry and creativity in a story of female affirmation and empowerment in 1800s Tuscany, where music is the message.

Green Border

Helmer Agnieszka Holland brings us to the Polish-Belarusian border during the latest humanitarian crisis. An unapologetic tale of overpowering arrogance and political cruelty. Awarded at the Venice and Rotterdam film festivals. 

The Summer With Carmen

In Athens, a cute dog named Carmen is the excuse for a sensual and funny existential tale of two friends who have to write a film but dig so deep in their own queerness that it changes their relationship forever.

Making Of

A social comedy with cinema as its backdrop. An extra starts shooting the making of a movie that becomes a gigantic mess. The proof that a making-of doc can sometimes be far better than the film itself! It’s the perfect kind of intelligent French comedy we all love.

Green Border
The Summer With Carmen
Making Of