Rush to Judgment

Rush to Judgment

USA | 1966 | 98 min. | Emile de Antonio

November 22, 2023

In 1966, the documentary Rush to Judgment presented for the first time a simple, concise legal argument that the Warren Commission was hiding something, suggesting a broader conspiracy. Lee Harvey Oswald could not have single-handedly killed President John F. Kennedy. New 4k restoration.

Director Emile de Antonio and lawyer Mark Lane recorded unpolished, first-hand interviews from witnesses with direct proximity to the murders–but who were not given a platform in the official inquiry. For a subject that has been rehashed and sensationalized so many times in the intervening 60 years, this documentary brings fresh clarity and presents a cool-headed argument that is untouched by time.

  • Director: Emile de Antonio
  • Country: USA
  • Year: 1966
  • Running Time: 98 min.
  • Website: Official Film Website
  • Format: 4k