50 Years of SIFF: Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil (35mm)

Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil

USA | 2010 | 86 min. | Eli Craig

March 2 - 10, 2024

50 Years of SIFF

Hillbillies Tucker and Dale have found their perfect “fixer-upper” cabin, but remodeling is never easy, particularly when a group of college co-eds on Spring Break start killing themselves off all over your property. Presented on 35mm. FOOLS* CHOICE.

Seattle International Film Festival 2010 selection. 

*The Fool Serious group (or “Fools”) is a group of fanatical cinephiles that gather throughout the Festival. The name is a play on the “Full Series” Festival pass, which they all purchase year after year.

"Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil is a thought-provoking examination of the horrifying phenomenon of suicide pacts. Our two eponymous friends are trying to enjoy a weekend at their dream cabin, but they are relentlessly traumatized by a group of college kids who seem intent on killing themselves in front of them. Either that, or it is one big misunderstanding."—Patrick Tousignant, Fool Serious member

Ah, spring break, when a college student’s fancy turns to beer, sex, and the great outdoors. Allison and her friends head into the West Virginia backwoods to scratch just that itch. That’s where they meet Tucker and Dale, a pair of hillbillies who have found the perfect “fixer-upper” cabin, right next to the kid’s campsite. However, remodeling is never easy, particularly when your neighbors stereotype you as stupid, drunken, inbred maniacs (really, only the first two apply). But when the grizzly pair accidentally interrupts a late night skinny-dip — fortunately enough for Allison whom they also happen to save from drowning — her friends jump to all the wrong conclusions. As misunderstanding piles upon misunderstanding, frat-boy Chad leads the charge to rescue her. Unfortunately, in their haste to vanquish evil, our hapless college students manage to dispatch themselves with alarming speed, and in the most ineptly grotesque ways possible, all over Tucker’s brand new property. Director Eli Craig gleefully appropriates every backwoods horror cliché, then delightfully subverts each one to create an ingeniously hysterical horror-comedy.


  • Director: Eli Craig
  • Principal Cast: Tyler Labine, Alan Tudyk, Katrina Bowden, Jesse Moss
  • Country: USA
  • Year: 2010
  • Running Time: 86 min.
  • Producer: Thomas Augsberger, Deepak Nayar, Roseanne Milliken, Albert Klychak
  • Screenplay: Eli Craig, Morgan Jurgenson
  • Cinematographers: David Geddes
  • Editors: Bridget Durnford
  • Music: Andrew Kaiser
  • Website: http://www.tuckeranddale.com
  • Filmography: Little Evil (2017)
  • Language: English
  • Format: 35mm
  • US Distributor: Magnet Releasing
  • International Sales: Voltage Pictures

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