The Magic Lantern of Ingmar Bergman: The Magician

The Magician

1958 | 100 min. | Ingmar Bergman

March 25, 2025

Presented by The Swedish Club and Greg Olson Productions

The Magic Lantern of Ingmar Bergman

A traveling 19th-century magician (Max von Sydow) encounters skepticism and hostility, especially from a learned doctor (Gunnar Bjornstrand). The mysterious conjurer responds with dark powers, but are they supernatural or human skills? Bergman bends genders, and Bibi Andersson joins Bergman’s league of fine performers.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Both a creepy 19th-century Gothic tale of sorcery, and an erotic comedy, The Magician is composed of contending faces: romanticism and rationality, faith and scepticism, art and science. Emerging from a misty forest, mesmerist and magician Vogler (Max von Sydow) and his troupe arrive in Stockholm. The local townsfolk are disdainful at best, prompting Vogler to play with heir minds. His chief antagonist is Dr. Vergerus (Gunnar Bjorjnstrand), who coldly and sadistically attempts to prove that Vogler is a fraud. But revenge can be sweet, and shifting in shape: “We go step by step by step into the darkness. Movement is the only truth.” In this physical metaphysical film hatred can spawn lust, roles and genders can reverse, blurring the line between mask and face. With Ingrid Thulin, Bibi Andersson, Erland Josephson, Bengt, Ekerot. Grand Jury Prize Venice Film Festival. 

—Greg Olson

  • Director: Ingmar Bergman
  • Principal Cast: Max von Sydow, Ingrid Thulin, Ake Fridell, Naima Wifstrand, Lars Ekborg, Gunnar Bjornstrand, Erland Josephson
  • Year: 1958
  • Running Time: 100 min.
  • Screenplay: Ingmar Bergman
  • Cinematographers: Gunnar Fischer
  • Editors: Oscar Rosander
  • Music: Erik Nordgren
  • International Sales: Svensk Filmindustri