Raw! Uncut! Video!

USA | 2021 | 79 min. | Ryan A. White, Alex Clausen

February 4, 2023

Raw! Uncut! Video! chronicles the rise and fall of homegrown gay porn studio Palm Drive Video, and explores how a devoted couple helped battle a devastating health crisis by promoting kinky sex.

SIFF year-round passes and vouchers are not valid for this screening.

Legendary leatherman Jack Fritscher met Mark Hemry in 1979 at Harvey Milk’s birthday party – and the two fell head over heels in love. When the AIDS epidemic swept through San Francisco, the couple left the city to begin a new venture: turning a rural ranch in Sonoma County into a safe-sex porn studio that offered viewers new sexual possibilities in an age of plague. Casting rugged non-professional models to explore their unique erotic fantasies onscreen, the studio explored a wild array of queer kinks – and helped champion sex-positivity in the porn industry.

  • Director: Ryan A. White, Alex Clausen
  • Principal Cast: Jack Fritscher, Mark Hemry, Donnie Russo, Steve Thrasher
  • Country: USA
  • Year: 2021
  • Running Time: 79 min.
  • Language: English