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January 16, 2025
SIFF staff reflect on the influence of visionary auteur David Lynch, who passed away this month at the age of 78.
Cinema, Events
Dress in your Barbie best and join us for Barbie Opening Night on July 20 with photo ops on the pink carpet, free Barbie-esque cupcakes courtesy of Trophy Cupcakes, Barbie-themed trivia and giveaways, and more Barbiecore surprises.
Events, Festival
A full list of the award-winning films from the 49th Seattle International Film Festival.
Cinema, Events, Photo Gallery
Opening night of the 15th annual Noir City film festival at SIFF Cinema Egyptian on February 10, 2023.
Cinema, Events, News
A look into SIFF Graphic Designer Reese Iliakis' wonderfully informative Saturday Morning Cartoons introductions.
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Don't miss your future favorite film!
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Cinema, Events, Festival, Industry
Programmer Angelo Acerbi answers a few questions from SIFF's Director of Marketing, Elodie Rousseau-Vercel, on the Cinema Italian Style festival.
Cinema, Events
SIFF Programmer Dan Doody shares his thoughts on cats in film.
Cinema, Events, News
SIFF Contributor Emily Sawan details the novels of Philip K. Dick and their adaptations featured at SIFF.
Cinema, Events, News
All tickets, for all movies, formats, and showtimes for no more than $3!
Events, News
SIFF Launches Year-Round Volunteer Opportunities
Cinema, Events, Industry
SIFF Interviews Jan Haaken, Director of Our Bodies, Our Doctors
Events, News
LANGSTON produces another blockbuster Crash camp in the Central District.
Events, News
With Nia Tero, we are thrilled to present the first cINeDIGENOUS Summer Film & Drive-In Series! The series features Indigenous-made films from around the world and all events are free and open to the public.